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Upload hot contentEarn money

Become a Performer now & monetize your content. MEN4PORN is the place where you can create your stream of hot & sexy media and start your channel. Just upload exclusive content to your profile and start earning from the comfort of your home.

the new way to earn money

Create yourhot M4P profile

Upload a hot avatar and a sexy cover photo to your profile to get all the attention right away. Be sure to upload high-quality images and show the best of you to the M4P community, and add a short description of yourself. Make it look stunning!

create hot m4p profile

Set a monthlysubscription fee

Set the subscription fee for your VIP content in the Payments section. The access to the VIP content that you upload will be available via subscription. Only the posts you mark as Free will be visible to everyone. See how much you can earn per month by dragging the sliders*.

Drag the sliders to see how much you can earn

$7.5k / monthly*
*Based on number of recurring subscribers per month.
set a monthly subscription fee

Add exclusivehot & sexy content

Photos, videos, stories, or whatever you are in the mood for - make sure to post new & exclusive content regularly. The more you create - the happier recurring subscribers you will have, and the more you will earn. And remember to post some free content from time to time - this way, you will be visible in searches, and you can attract a greater audience.

add exclusive hot and sexy content

Track your earningsin your Wallet

Connect your Bitcoin wallet to your M4P wallet and receive all your earnings securely and free of charge*. Track all your earnings and payments in your Payout History.

*MEN4PORN will not charge any fees for transferring money to your Bitcoin wallet account.

track your earnings in your wallet

Post effortlesslyon the go!

Make awesome content from the gym, the SPA, or the beach and post it effortlessly from your smartphone*. Upload, edit, and track your posts using the mobile version of MEN4PORN. Communicate with your subscribers and keep them updated on the go!

*Internet connection is required.

post effortlessly on the go

By becoming a Performer, you confirm that you are at least 18 y.o. and agree with the Terms of service and Privacy policy.